
Archive for the ‘Parenting’ Category

Most Popular Baby Names

Thanks to eumom blog for this one. They’ve revealed the most popular baby names to appear in the Irish Times birth columns in 2010. James emerged as a clear winner for the boys but the poll position for girl’s names was evenly split between Anna, Grace, Lucy and Lili/ Lilly.

Other popular girl’s names included Emily, Alice and Sarah.

Max, a personal favourite, made a surprise appearance as the second most popular name for boys, followed by Hugo, Patrick and Oliver. However, if Thomas and Tom were taken as one name, it would be the second most popular choice of name.

Of course, some unusual names did make an appearance in the birth columns, including Peaches, Ayana, Mealla, Asha, Cayleen and Tegan for the girls and Prosper, Kester, Mingus, Hunter, Osian and Aldus for the boys.

Irish names aren’t very popular at the moment with few appearing in the top 20. Patrick was joint third on the boys’ list but names like fionn, Cian, Sean and Eoin are much further down the list. Not one Irish name made the top ten of girl’s names but Aoife, Aoibhinn, Roisin and Siofra were further down the list.

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I’ve always been a big big fan of Supernanny, even before I had my daughter. In fact, I bet you would be hard stuck to find an adult below the age of forty that doesn’t know what the naughty step/ corner is!

Here are Jo’s steps to disciplining your child:

(1) Casually ask child to stop behaviour.

(2)  Give a warning in a firm voice.

(3)  Place on the Naughty Step for 1 minute per year of child’s age.

(4)  Explain why child is on the Naughty Step.  Make eye contact and get down to child’s level.

(5)  If child gets moved from the Naughty Step, place the child back in on the Naughty Step without speaking and reset the timer.

(6)  When time is up, explain to the child why he or she was on the Naughty Step.

(7)  Have child apologise.

(8)  Give child hugs and kisses.

Sounds great! It worked about twice for my little girl before she started going to the naughty corner of her own accord, even when not being naughty!

Any tips Jo?

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